Nominate a deserving teacher
Please use a PC or tablet to complete your nomination.
Nominations are now open
Nominations close March 31, 2025
Please read these directions before completing the nomination form below. It will save you time and help ensure that your nomination can be considered by the judges.
1. Meeting the criteria
Your nomination must address how your teacher meets all the following criteria –
a. Uses innovative teaching methods, designs creative programs and develops exciting learning experiences for Ontario students;
b. Makes a difference in students’ lives by engaging them in the process of learning and creates enthusiasm for learning by raising their sights, broadening their horizons and enhancing their learning potential;
c. Demonstrates understanding and integration of community diversity into classroom practices;
d. Encourages the sharing of community and individual resources in the schools of our province; and
e. Demonstrates a personal commitment to personal lifelong learning.
exhibits a willingness to learn and develop, as well as to seek advice from colleagues and act upon it.
2. Completing the nomination
a. Register and then fill out the nomination form below.
b. You do not have to complete the form in one sitting. You will receive a unique URL so that you can save the form and login later to adjust or complete it.
c. Click “Save and Continue Later” at the end of the nomination form if you want to be able to return to your nomination. Only click “SUBMIT” when you have completed the nomination to your satisfaction as you will not be able to re-open it again.
d. In order to submit your nomination, all fields must be completed according to the directions on the form. If it is not complete, you will see red warning messages beside the incomplete fields. In particular, the criteria fields each have a minimum and maximum word count that must be observed.
e. The nomination can only be successfully submitted when all fields are completed correctly.
f. Nominations must be submitted by the March 31 nomination deadline to be considered for an award.
3. Time saving tips
a. Notify your nominee before you make a nomination. There may be teachers who do not wish to participate.
b. There are maximum and minimum word limits for each of the criteria. Check these before you start writing.
c. Gather the information you need before you start.
• Two additional references – from parents, teachers, students or administrators. who will provide their support for the nomination in a letter of support referencing the criteria. Ask for letters of reference in electronic format so you can copy and paste into the nomination form. Make sure to get the contact information for your references.
• Any other supporting material you wish to provide, such as photos, videos, or PDF documents. Note that up to THREE items of supporting materials only will be accepted.
4. After completing the nomination
When you receive your unique URL, you will also receive a reference number for your nomination. If you chose to submit supporting material by regular mail, be sure to include a reference the unique URL you received.
